Mood board for album Digipack

This moodboard uses live images of the band, sohwing live aggression and their explosive energetic stage presence. I will use some of these images in the final piece along with my own images from Download 2010 where they headlined the saturday night of the festival.
This is the Digipak I created using an online image editor called Sumo Paint 2.0 and Microsoft Publisher . The red fist logo is from google and this is the bands symbol, used as a sign of rebellion and to get across to a wide audience of people who have a radical political stance. The flag and red star I made by cropping the star image and using autoshapes for the stripes. The front square is an image of my own from download 2010 and the banner is from the original album cover. I added the track names to make it seem more like a real album. The inside image will simply be the lyrics "believing all the lies that there telling ya" in handwritting. also it will have to contain a strobe lighting warning because my video will use this effect.

this is a draft for how I plan my digipak, the use of real images and google logos should help create a legitmate feel to my album cover and eventually help in creating a proffesional feel of the project. This will be the basis of my audience research and hopefully I will be able to use this to create a cover everybody likes and one that is suitable. So far I have had no Bad or construcitve feedback from my target audience, I hope there will be little changes made to what I have produced.
The draft for my advert was simply a sketch that I scanned and uploaded. I showed this to a variety of people and they said that it was suitable. For results see target audience research graph examples for there feedback on the advert.
Here is my magazine advert. It follows the colour scheme for the band and presents the logo which is related to activism and freedom, also used by the mexican militant group the " Zapatista's during. The use of this logo creates a stir at first look as this is quite controversial, but upon further inspection its only a band logo. the font used also relates to attitude of the band as it is in a military stencil style and is plain and simple with little editing done. The advert states clearly the release of the album and who is releasing it and when, with clear understanding and obvious intentions this is a good magazine advert.